
(v1.2) the easy way of exporting excel data to sql expressions
XLS2SQL is a small Excel File which consists of two parts:
- a front end which faciliates entering data
- an excel VB macro which does a hard job
data stored in sheet columns is treated as fields data of DB
- converts up to 10 tables at once, up to 22 fields for each table
- creates one sql INSERTS file for all resolved tables
- does not need any DB connection thus not uses any DB data
- internally resolves unknown values
- easy interface and fully accessible source code
- simple fit the code to ones needs
- tested with MS Excel 2k & XP and MySQL DB
Changes v1.2 (2005 11)
- added a sheet MAX which extends functionality by adding more tables and fields to use (10 tables, 22 fields)
- small bugfix in main code to assure scalability
- added obligatory quotes to empty field values to avoid two consecutive commas in SQL (,,)
- added clear button to clear all user data
What, Why, Where?
- What: The XLS is a format of Microsoft(R) Excel files which is used to store spreadsheet data.
Data is stored in columns and rows which together create sheets.
The SQL is a language commonly used in database programming.
XLS2SQL (read as XLS to SQL) allows data migration from excel sheets
to queries written in SQL language.
- Why: Due to constantly increasing data amount and complexity of methods in application
I wrote for company X I had to move all data from excel to database.
The obvious choice was an MySQL.
This program made easy moving plain data from excel sheets to database tables.
- Where: I used Visual Basic which allows easy access to excel cells and
is bundled in excel application. So to run file, MS Excel is neccesary.